Associação Florestal de Portugal – FORESTIS

Forestis, logo

Forestis was founded in 1992, is a private, non-profitable federation of Forest Organizations that represents and defends the interests of the small private forest owners and community forests. Currently, Forestis represents 17,500 Forest Owners, who are associated in 31 FO, covering 1,5 million ha. These 31 FO employs more than 80 Forestry Technicians and 345 Forest Sappers. To enhance sustainability and competitiveness of the Portuguese Forest, Forestis seeks innovation in forest management and forest protection, promotes and gives value to forest products and accomplish training and awareness programs. Forestis was recognized by the Portuguese Government as an Entity of Public Interest in 1998, and in 2001 was given the status of an Environmental NGO, by the Portuguese Environment Agency.

Its activity has been focused on research and innovation projects, and development studies training and knowledge transferring in order to improve technical skills, methodologies and practices within our member organizations and in the forestry sector in general.