Hifas da Terra – HDT

Hifas da Terra, Logo

Hifas da Terra is a young innovative company involved in the development and commercialization of products based on cultured fungi. It was created in 1999 as a spin-off of the University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain). The culture of multiple species of fungi with different properties was fully developed, and the design of novel components based on beneficial effects of fungi represents the fundamental activity of the company.

Initially the activity was mainly the commercialization of premium food products from organic cultured mushrooms, together with the development of mycorrhizal fungus-producing plants. These two activities allowed rapid growth of the company and fuelled investment in R&D actions in their beginning paving the way for the release of future products. The company also started providing training and consulting services in the field of mycology and landscape intervention. Also, plays nowadays a role as a technological center of Mycology in Southwestern Europe applying the knowledge of its specialists in areas as wide as the recovery of soils and reforestation to the production of nutraceuticals based on fungi.